We all need to work together, because there are no jobs on a dead nation, there is no equity without rights to decent work and social protection, no social justice without a shift in governance and ambition and ultimately, no peace for the people of this nation without the guarantees of sustainability which has to be enforced by us as the citizen of this nation.

It has been 14 years plus, and majority of those who were either directly or indirectly affected by the 2007 – 2008 post-election violence have not yet healed. Many people lost their loved ones, lest we forget those who perished in the church inferno. Innocent children were killed with some still traumatized by seeing their parents being lynched.

As we approach the next general election,  the Constitution of Kenya gives you power to elect the leader of your choice. Kenya is a democratic nation, therefore let’s endeavor in one spirit to participate in a peaceful election. This election will come and go but Kenya will remain, so let’s not be influenced by leaders or political parties, instead let us be advocates of social justice and human dignity. I am because you are and therefore, we are. Let us all uphold the Ubuntu spirit which states, “actions are right roughly insofar as they are a matter of living harmoniously with others or honoring communal relationships”. I wish you a peaceful election and may the Lord bless our nation.