Perennial Insecurity Paralyses Education in Baringo


Over a great period of time, Baringo has experienced insecurity in the form of banditry attacks which has negatively affected human activities in the region. For instance, many have been displaced and others fled to safer locations after a spate of cattle rustling and banditry attacks.

Learning in this region has also been gravely interrupted with most of the learning institutions having been closed down. This has left learners stranded, especially those  who were about to start their CBC and national exams. While students from other counties are sitting for their CBC exam, learners in Baringo County are forced to choose safety rather than risking their lives to attain education, a constitutional right in the development and survival of children, that is key in ensuring their resilience in their present and future socioeconomic endeavours.

This situation has led to deep seated repercussions that may contribute to delayed return to normalcy for both teachers and students, a factor that compromises the quality and efficiency of education in the region. As such, it is the government’s responsibility to ensure that students in Baringo continue with their education by putting measures to address the root cause of the perpetual insecurity in the region to allow the affected children to enjoy their right to education just like other children in other parts of the country.