An Image representation of different professions Photo: Soko Directory

An Employee is an individual rendering service to a party known as an employer, bound by certain willfully agreed upon terms and conditions, in return for payment. It is this relationship that becomes a contract. Parties to a contract have rights and responsibilities.

To an employer, an employee is to render services and working within the terms of the employment contract. The employee is expected to protect the employer by keeping secret sensitive information shared with him/her, especially from third parties or competitors. You are to be a good ambassador of the employer by protecting their interests. Only lawful orders from an employer should be obeyed. It is your duty to take good care of your employer’s property, that comes to your possession by virtue of employment.

Employees equally have rights which include payment for the work done in line with the basic minimum payment for the job group and description. This is guided by the basic minimum wage that provides for the basic minimum amount payable for different job groups and classes of employees. Statutory deductions are mandatory for an employer to make for each of their employees. These deductions are made from the employee’s gross salary to the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF), National Social Security Fund (NSSF), and Pay As You Earn (PAYE). Consequently, an employer should provide a safe and conducive working environment for the employee that is free from physical, mental and psychological harm.