Natural resources are materials that are found in nature and used to support lives and fulfil human needs, these include land, water, air, minerals, forests, fisheries, etc. Ensuring proper and sustainable utilization, conservation, protection, careful governance and stewardship of these natural materials for better quality to human life is Natural Resource Management (NRM).

NRM involves the formulation and implementation of policies, strategies, and practices that ensure the long-term viability of these resources while balancing the needs of society, the economy, and the environment.

Water, is one of the most vital resources on earth, whose sustainable management involves ensuring equitable access, efficient use, and protection against pollution and depletion. With growing populations and increasing water demands in the world, effective water resource management is critical to avoid conflicts and ensure the availability of clean water for all.

Forests are not only home to countless species but also provide numerous ecosystem services. Sustainable forest management involves practices that promote biodiversity conservation, prevent deforestation, and support livelihoods of communities dependent on them. By implementing responsible logging practices, reforestation initiatives, and protected area management, we can safeguard these invaluable ecosystems for future generations.

Minerals play a crucial role in our modern society. Responsible mineral management involves balancing the extraction of minerals with environmental protection and social considerations. This entails implementing sustainable mining practices, promoting transparency in the sector, and ensuring that local communities benefit from the revenues generated by mineral extraction.

To effectively manage natural resources, governments, communities, and stakeholders must collaborate and adopt a holistic approach. This includes engaging in participatory decision-making processes.