Red hot fire flames on black background

There was tension building in Maranda High School, after threats to torch the school were written on toilet walls. This prompted the administration to send the Form 4 students home, indefinitely, to prevent the threat from becoming a reality.

A source also revealed the Form 4 students had refused to write their mock exams. This comes days after students resumed learning after the school was closed indefinitely on November 8 following a fire incident. The fire razed down Ogango dormitory that accommodates 200 students, destroying their belongings.

Six students suspected of being involved in the arson were arrested and arraigned in court. The court however ordered their release. Bondo Principal Magistrate J.P Nandi directed the school to readmit the students after DCI detectives probing the matter closed the file for lack of evidence.

Two police officers have been deployed to the school to enhance security. They will be carrying out night patrols in the school compound, alongside teachers on duty.

After the first fire incident, students were given an opportunity to air their grievances. Among the issues students complained of were lessons starting as early as 4 am and students sleeping at 11 pm, changes to the menu and pocket money being held by the administration. This issues were responded to by a resolution during the executive board meeting. The students are to wake up at 5.30 am, Form 4 students  to go to bed at 10 pm while the rest at 9.20 pm. Lessons are to begin at 8 am for all classes.