An Image representation of different professions Photo: Soko Directory

An employee is generally the person hired by an employer to undertake a specific kind of job. The employee is basically protected by the Employment Act which provides at least a day for the employee to rest in a given week. Most employers let their employees rest either on Saturday or Sunday, though not cast in stone, as this could fall on any other day of the week. Some employees are lucky to get two days of rest in a week, depending on the nature of the job that dictates which day the employee gets to rest.

A Public holiday is an automatic day of rest for an employee as stipulated by the law. As to whether an employee works on a holiday or not, depends on the type or nature of work and agreement with their employer.

Upon completion of a sum total of a year including the 6 months of probation, an employee earns a standard leave of 21 days. This leave could be given in bits or consecutive, a decision that is purely a choice of the administration of the workplace. This also provides the employee an entitlement to full pay when on annual leave.

Again, the employee is entitled to either a ninety days Maternity leave or forty days of Paternity leave, depending on one’s gender. Maternity and Paternity leaves are independent of the annual twenty-one days annual leave days.

An employee is also protected by the law that avails a sick leave that is fully paid but limited to only the first seven days of absence from work. For the subsequent seven days, the law stipulates for one to get a minimum of half of their usual pay. Depending on the productivity and/or relationship between the employee and the employer, chances stand for the employee to earn full pay. For this to materialize, a report of incapacitation by a medical practitioner is made available, where an employee has been sick for over a year.

Education and training are part of the support employers provide their employees with. An Educational bond is an example of a lengthy break from work, for instance, a year, where an employer enters into an agreement to pay for an employee’s school fees, accommodation and any other expense in full, which could either be deducted from employee’s salary once they resume duties or they commit to working for the employer for a certain period of time, depending on the agreement beforehand.

Other terms and conditions of the agreement vary, like the employee receiving a salary during the study period, which has not been captured by the law. However, employees and employers have room for negotiation leaving the terms and conditions of the bond to depend on the two parties’ agreement.

An employee can also fund their own studies. This shall mean their work schedule is affected unless they are attending online, evening or weekend classes. Otherwise, they are supposed to make good use of their annual leave days.