Image from Hekima Colllege

A bursary is a grant awarded to students in secondary schools, college and universities to support students in achieving their academic goals and increase access to education. Bursary is allocated on basis of financial need, it is non-repayable and gives undue emphasis on academic standing unlike scholarships which is based on academics.

In Kenya there are various types of bursaries allocated to students across the country and the most common form is Constituency Development Fund (CDF) which is allocated to students within constituencies by their respective member of parliament. The bursary covers a number of educational needs including fees, uniforms and stationery.

The office of the president also offers bursaries to needy students and financially challenged children through the Presidential bursary scheme for orphans and vulnerable children both at secondary and tertiary level. the bursary is awarded based on selection process conducted by local authorities. This aid is aimed at supporting the students education to empower them for a better future.

Higher Education Loans Board is a form of bursary that offers bursaries to to financially disadvantaged students pursuing higher education in both private and public universities.

Another type of bursary in Kenya is the County government bursary that support students within their jurisdiction . The bursary is awarded based on financial need and academic qualification.

A different institution that offers bursaries to Kenyan students is the National Government Action Fund. This establishment awards bursaries to students from marginalised and vulnerable backgrounds.

The Kenya Institute of Social work and community development equally offers bursary for needy youths from poor households and marginalized groups and urban slums.

In many instances before bursary is awarded to a student, a committee is formed to to determine the proportion of funds to be allocated to each student and later evaluate and recommend those to be awarded the bursaries.

The Financial support for bursaries ranges between KES.20,000 – KES.5,000 while other students get full tuition fee paid. The support depends on the financial challenges of the student.

To apply for bursaries kindly visit:,The%20Office%20of%20the%20President%20in%20Kenya%20provides%20bursaries%20to,them%20for%20a%20better%20future.



  1. I am student at kisii university, partially orphaned with unable parent.Am requesting for the support to clear my fees balance.Thank you 🙏

  2. I am a student at tharaka university
    Please can you help me my supporting me financial to be able to clear my fee for this semester